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Call display

Configuration via GUI

You can configure the call display via the GUI. To do this, click on the settings icon in the top right corner of the display.

The GUI shows the configuration of the current display and a URL with the current configuration. You can copy this URL and use it to configure other displays.

Configuration via URL

You can use the following URL-Parameters to configure the call display:

ParameterDescriptionPossible valuesExample
sectionsOnly display calls from these sectionsComma-separated list of section IDssections=1,3,4
ignore_sections_timeIgnore the sections filter during a specific time windowStart and End Time, separated by -ignore_sections_time=21:00-06:00
ignore_sections_filter_for_call_typesIgnore the sections filter for all listed call typesComma-separated list of call type IDsignore_sections_filter_for_call_types=1,3,4
fullscreenEnable the fullscreen mode by default0 or 1fullscreen=1
layoutSet the default display layoutgrid or listlayout=list
localeSet the display langugaede, it, fr or enlocale=en
videostreamShow video streams (defaults to 1)0 or 1videostream=0
fontsizeSets the font size (used for high resolution displays)'normal', 'larger' or 'largest'fontsize=larger

Example settings

The first setting can be added after a ? symbol. All other settings have to be separated by a & symbol.

Display all calls in fullscreen mode


Display calls from section 3 without fullscreen mode


Display calls from section 3 but show emergency calls (ID=4) from all sections


Display calls from sections 1 and 2 in fullscreen mode


Display calls from sections 1 and 2 in fullscreen mode, show calls from all sections at night (21:00 - 06:00)


Display all calls as a fullscreen list
