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Qumea Integration

The CareSuite integrates with Qumea. The integration informs Qumea about active presences. Qumea will pause alerts for rooms with an active presence.


The CareSuite Server must have access to the endpoint.

To determine from which room a call originated from, it is required that each device is placed as child of a room in the system overview.

The short text of this room item must be the same text as configured in Qumea.


The Qumea integration is configured in the qumea section of the /opt/caresuite/data/caresuite.toml file. Add the following section and replace your specific values.

username = "qumea-username"
password = "qumea-password"
client_id = "qumea-client-id"
tenant = "quema-tenant"

After configuring the settings, restart the CareSuite. Presences are now sent to Qumea automatically.
